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We are one of the largest copper producers in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
At KAZ Minerals we place a high priority on our environmental, social and governance responsibilities
KAZ Minerals operates the Aktogay and Bozshakol open pit copper mines in the Abay and Pavlodar regions of Kazakhstan, three underground mines and associated concentrators in the East Region of Kazakhstan and the Bozymchak copper-gold mine in Kyrgyzstan.
Copper is essential for modern economies. The demand for copper is growing whilst supply is constrained
A high growth copper company focused on large scale, low-cost open pit mining in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
High growth in copper
KAZ Minerals is a responsible developer and operator of mining assets in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Environmental, social and governance matters are at the core of our strategy and licence to operate
At KAZ Minerals, we want to do more than be a leading natural resources Group. We want to lead the way in wellbeing, health and safety.
To create a strong, skilled and loyal workforce, we invest in educating and rewarding our people
We are always looking to recruit the best talent
KAZ Minerals is one of the largest copper producers in Kazakhstan
The Group has over 80 years of history in Kazakhstan
KAZ Minerals seeks to become the leading natural resources company in Central Asia
2024 $1.6m2023 $2.1m2022 $2.4m